![Logo-v5 Success In Hand Logo](https://www.scexecs.com/wp-content/uploads/2022/11/Logo-v5.png)
Success In Hand
850 Third S Street
Santa Rosa, CA 95404
Member: Marjorie Favuzzi
Phone: (707) 206-1477
Email: Marjorie@SucessInHand.com
Category: Life Coach
Certified Life Coach Marjorie Favuzzi named her business Success In Hand because she strongly believes that everyone deserves to feel confident, focused and successful. Sometimes that’s easier said than done when roadblocks such as resentments, fear of judgment or change, overwhelm and trauma may be in the way. Marjorie specializes in helping people connect the dots from past to present, enabling them to better manage life and business, ADHD, grief, chronic pain and addiction to become more aligned with their highest purpose. Clients learn the practical, effective “Turning I Can’t Into I CAN System”R to:
- Get grounded and focused in the present moment
- Discover what is fueling procrastination and mismanagement of time
- Move through grief, the fear of judgment or change, and disorganization
The Turning I Can’t Into I CAN SystemR provides tools to move from stuck to success:
- EFT, the Emotional Freedom Technique of Tapping on acupressure points to release the grief, resentments, overwhelm and procrastination
- Brain Gym to better align the systems of the brain and body
- Matrix Reimprinting to finally let go of the past and lingering trauma
- Timed Tasks to trigger motivation, manage time and get things done
Marjorie Favuzzi meets with clients for customized 90 minute sessions on Zoom and at her office in downtown Santa Rosa. The first consultation is free.